1st Kick-off meeting in Croatia


Tuesday, 20th October 2015


In the first day of the transnational meeting, as scheduled, every team presented its town and school.


Then all the members visited an English and an Art class in the host school (Osnovna Skola Bartula Kasica).



The English teachers of the delegation noticed positively that the English lessons in the Croatian school are developed completely in English.

Moreover, in the Art lessons, the technical and artistic aspects are joined.

Finally they decided the new dates for:

  • the next international meetings:
    • October, 19th-23rd, 2015, Croatia: kick-off meeting
    • May, 16th–20th 2016, Slovakia: 2° transnational meeting
    • September 2016, Latvia: 3° transnational meeting
    • May 2017, Italy:  final transnational meeting
  • staff training courses:
    • November, 23rd-27th, 2015, Croatia: common training on creative writing forms and digital storytelling
    • April, 4th-8th, 2016, Spain: training on techniques of expressive reading anddramatization
    • October, 24th-28th, 2016, Italy: short training on the flipped class and the realization of a movie.
  • short term exchanges of groups of pupils:
    • April, 4th-8th, 2016, Spain: medial laboratory, participation in reading competitions
    • October, 24th – 28th, 2016, Italy: flipped classroom and workshop on language skills
    • April 2017, Croatia: digital storytelling, creative re-elaboration of texts and stories through the use of tablet and  a development of the English language

In the afternoon all the participants toured around the city centre and visited the Museum of Gold and Silver of Zadar.


Wednesday, 21st October 2015

It was the day in which teachers shared some important decisions about:


  • The creation of a common website
  • The making off of a logo and the list of the main important instructions that each team has to follow (deadline: 23rd November 2015, voting process from 23rd to 27th November 2015, voting rules: 50) children will choose their favourite logo by voting on the website Flip&Movie and each child will vote only for the other 4 countries)
  • Criteria for the selection of pupils involved in the mobilities: pupils’ age, behaviour, marks and school attendance.
  • Intellectual Output “Be happy 2 read and write”
  • Division of the different parts of the output (4 aspects until the end of January 2016 and the rest until the end of March)
  • Detailed explanation of all points of the output
  • A seminar with an expert in literature in each partner school, if possible before the workshop that will take place in November.
  • Writing of a diary to report the project activities and planning some skype meetings witha regular frequency.

In the afternoon, as scheduled, the delegation visited the KRKA National Park to enjoy the natural resources of Croatia.




Thursday, 22nd October 2015

In the first part of third session, the teachers worked to organize material, to elaborate the final report in order to create transversal teams.

In the second part of the morning the attention was focused on the programme and the modalities of the first workshop in Croatia.

Finally, the partners took part to the “National Bread Day” which is celebrated in all Croatian schools with the collaboration the Religion teachers and parents.



At the end of the meeting, the delegation was received by the Major of the city in the Town Hall where each national delegation greeted him.


In the afternoon they visited the Museum of Ancient Glass.


Everything was photographed for the sake of the project documentation and dissemination.


Friday, 23rd October 2015

The delegation met to summarize the decisions taken during this week and give a useful conclusion with  the task on behalf of each country to respect times, modalities of work presentations.


During this final meeting, the partners agreed about the future event “The Children’s Rights Day” on 20th November 2015. The Italian Headmistress asked each team to prepare a short video of 3 minutes made by pupils from every country involved in the project. The videos should be sent on 16th November 2015 and they will be shown at the Town Hall of Pescara at the presence of the Major.

Moreover the participants shared ideas and agreed about:

  1. The planning of dates and activities of the workshop in Croatia;
  2. the competences that the teachers involved should have for the workshop;
  3. the involvement of an expert in each school, specialized and trained on the theme of the workshop.

It is also proposed as common didactic path an “intimistic genre” of reading focused on SELF, on territory, culture of the country and of the world, in order to stimulate and motivate children to discover their dreams, wishes and to plan the future, aimed to orienteering.

In fact the title of this common path could be: “READ AND WRITE THE FUTURE”.

It’s the intention of all delegations, following the advice of the coordinator Mrs. Annarita Bini, trying to look for the same texts translated in the different languages of the teams involved.

Finally some decisions have been anticipated about the texts that will be written in the mother tongue and, of course, in the English language.
