BE HAPPY 2 READ & WRITE kit, the product of the cooperative work of the European partners of the Erasmus Plus “Flip & Movie” Project, wants to provide a flexible, and certainly not exhaustive, repertoire of material for theoretical deepening and innovative teaching strategies that can be used by teachers of all schooling cycles. So the teachers can compare their daily work in class with the objectives and the findings in the teaching of reading and writing: the consolidation of the motivation, the premature development and the progressive refinement of the competences of comprehension and interpretation, the activation of a stimulating pedagogical climate, the valorization of the links among the languages, the constructive comparison with the possibilities offered by digital technologies. Therefore the repertoire proposes, after a suitable introduction on the emerging issues from the European debate and on pedagogical peculiarities favoured in the experience of the schools involved, an operative section made up of clear and synthetic cards concerning individual activities on the basis of some essential quality indicators: the integration of an analogic and digital language, the cooperative dimension of paths, the interdisciplinarity, the inclusive value of the activities, the generative relation between reading and writing, the use of several textual appliances and original media supports. Some of the most interesting didactic proposals are accompanied by video-tutorials not only with the purpose to describe clearly articulation and organization, but also to highlight the transferability of the strategies and creative processes.
STORYINVENTOR is a practical digital game which helps to improve quality and effectivity of educational process in any classroom that deals with reading and writing. It encourages creativity by using ICT as a tool for development of creativity and critical thinking as well as gaining motivation of students. Information and communication technology (ICT) has become, within a very short time, one of the basic building blocks of modern society. This output tries to inspire and stimulate pupils for creative writing by combining it with ICT. Since the target population are children it was created as a game by using different national stories, so it combines the aim of the whole project – cross cultural awareness, digital storytelling, developing reading and writing skills, enhancing the literary competencies of literature learners, motivation of students and teachers by using innovative approach in teaching. The game is composed of 3 parts: 1) FRONT PAGE – at the front page appear boxes that contain hints for writing a story. Those hints are extracted from different national stories of the countries involved in the project (Latvian, Italian, Slovakian, Spanish and Croatian national stories). The hints appear in a form of characters, settings, plots, sounds or illustrations from the familiar national stories; 2) STORY PAGE – once the guidelines have been given by randomly clicking the boxes at the front page, student have the page to write his/her own story by using those guidelines as a template. The point is that different characters can end up in different settings or plots; 3) MANAGEMENT PAGE – is used by teachers to edit/assess saved stories, to upload some new guidelines or similar.
- Boost skills in using open and digital resources, support development of digital skills and media literacy
- Improve foreign language competencies
- Gain intercultural awareness
- Develop relevant, high-level skills such as creativity, critical thinking and other key competences through innovative teaching methods
- Encourage reading and creative writing
- Boost cooperation skills and exchanging ideas
The game is available at the link: storyinventor.eu